Kotlin Flow vs LiveData – Choosing the Right Tool


When building reactive applications in Kotlin, especially for Android, you might face the decision of choosing between Flow and LiveData to handle streams of data. Both are reactive streams that enable you to observe data changes over time, but they have key differences that make one better suited for particular use cases.

In this post, we’ll compare Kotlin Flow and LiveData, explore their similarities and differences, and discuss when to use each tool in your Kotlin-based applications.

1. What is Kotlin Flow?

Flow is part of the Kotlin Coroutines library and represents a cold stream of asynchronous data. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to handle streams of data that may not be immediately available, such as data from network requests, databases, or sensors. Flow is designed to be fully integrated with Kotlin coroutines, making it thread-safe and non-blocking.

Key Features of Flow

  • Cold Stream: Flow is “cold”, meaning it does not start emitting values until it’s collected.
  • Asynchronous: Flow works seamlessly with coroutines, enabling asynchronous processing.
  • Composable: Flow supports operators such as map, filter, and combine to manipulate data streams.
  • Non-blocking: Flow allows you to process data without blocking the main thread.

Example of a simple Flow:

val flow = flow {

flow.collect { value ->

2. What is LiveData?

LiveData is a lifecycle-aware, observable data holder class provided by Android’s Architecture Components. It is designed specifically for use in Android applications to manage and observe data in a lifecycle-conscious way.

Key Features of LiveData

  • Lifecycle-Aware: LiveData automatically manages the lifecycle of observers, ensuring that data updates are only delivered to active observers (e.g., active Activities or Fragments).
  • Hot Stream: Unlike Flow, LiveData is a hot stream, meaning it starts emitting values immediately when the data is changed.
  • Android-Specific: LiveData is deeply integrated into the Android ecosystem, particularly with the ViewModel and UI components.
  • Thread-Safe: LiveData ensures that data updates are posted on the main thread, which is suitable for UI updates.

Example of a simple LiveData:

val liveData = MutableLiveData<String>()
liveData.value = "Hello"
liveData.observe(this, Observer { value ->

3. Flow vs LiveData – Key Differences

While Flow and LiveData share similarities in their reactive programming approach, they are designed for different purposes and use cases. Let’s look at the key differences:

1. Stream Type (Cold vs Hot)

  • Flow is a cold stream: It doesn’t emit values until a collector subscribes to it. Each time a flow is collected, it starts fresh.
  • LiveData is a hot stream: It emits values immediately, even if no one is observing. The stream remains active.

2. Thread Management

  • Flow operates in a non-blocking, asynchronous manner and is designed to work seamlessly with Kotlin coroutines.
  • LiveData is designed to handle UI updates on the main thread, and it ensures thread safety without requiring manual switching between threads.

3. Lifecycle Awareness

  • LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it automatically manages observers based on the lifecycle state of the Activity or Fragment.
  • Flow, by itself, is not lifecycle-aware, but you can make it lifecycle-aware using tools like lifecycleScope in Android.

4. Use Cases

  • Use Flow for general-purpose reactive programming, particularly when you need to work with asynchronous data streams or handle complex data transformations.
  • Use LiveData when building Android applications that need to automatically update the UI based on live data (e.g., from a database or network).

4. When to Use Flow vs LiveData?

When to Use Flow

  • When you need asynchronous data processing that can be collected at a later time.
  • When you are working with non-UI components and need to handle streams of data in the background.
  • When you want to combine, map, or transform data streams using Kotlin operators like map, combine, flatMap, etc.
  • When you’re building multiplatform Kotlin applications, as Flow works outside the Android ecosystem.

When to Use LiveData

  • When you are building Android UI components and need a lifecycle-aware stream of data that updates the UI automatically.
  • When you want to simplify handling of UI-related data, like ViewModels or Activity/Fragment observers.
  • When your application requires UI updates that should respect lifecycle states, preventing memory leaks and unnecessary UI updates.

5. Best Practices for Using Flow and LiveData

Best Practices for Flow

  1. Use flow operators: Flow provides a rich set of operators like map, filter, and combine for transforming and manipulating data streams. Utilize these to make your data streams concise and efficient. val flow = flowOf(1, 2, 3, 4) .filter { it % 2 == 0 } .map { it * 2 }
  2. Use flowOn for thread management: Use flowOn to change the dispatcher used by the flow when performing network or database operations, ensuring non-blocking behavior on the main thread. Example: flowOn(Dispatchers.IO)
  3. Combine multiple flows: Use operators like combine, zip, or flatMap to combine data from multiple flows.
  4. Use Flow with coroutines: Always collect flows in a coroutine, using launch or async builders to avoid blocking the main thread.

Best Practices for LiveData

  1. Use ViewModel for data handling: Always use LiveData within a ViewModel to separate business logic and UI logic.
  2. Observe only in active lifecycle states: LiveData ensures UI updates are only triggered in active lifecycle states (e.g., when the Activity/Fragment is in the resumed state).
  3. Avoid using MutableLiveData publicly: Expose only immutable LiveData to external consumers to avoid accidental modifications. Example: private val _liveData = MutableLiveData<String>() val liveData: LiveData<String> get() = _liveData

6. Combining Flow and LiveData

While Flow and LiveData are separate, you can use them together in your Android projects. For instance, if you have a Flow and need to observe it with LiveData, you can convert Flow to LiveData using asLiveData() extension:

val flow: Flow<String> = flow { emit("Hello Kotlin") }
val liveData: LiveData<String> = flow.asLiveData()

This allows you to take advantage of Flow’s advanced features while retaining the lifecycle awareness of LiveData.


In this post, we explored the differences between Kotlin Flow and LiveData:

  • Flow is best for general-purpose reactive programming with Kotlin coroutines and is highly composable.
  • LiveData is specifically designed for Android and is lifecycle-aware, making it a great fit for UI-related data.

By understanding the key differences, similarities, and use cases of Flow and LiveData, you can make an informed decision on which tool to use for your next Kotlin-based application.

🎯 Next Post: Kotlin Flow Operators – Mastering Flow Transformations


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