Kotlin Delegation – Simplifying Code with Delegation


Kotlin provides a powerful feature known as delegation, which allows one object to delegate the implementation of an interface or function to another object. Delegation helps simplify code by avoiding repetitive implementation, making your classes more flexible and modular.

In this post, we’ll explore:
What is Kotlin Delegation?
Types of Delegation in Kotlin
Using by for Delegation
Class Delegation
Property Delegation
Best Practices for Kotlin Delegation

By the end of this post, you’ll understand how to use delegation in Kotlin to simplify your code and improve maintainability.

1. What is Kotlin Delegation?

Delegation is a design pattern where an object hands off the responsibility of implementing a particular behavior to another object. In Kotlin, delegation is a first-class feature, and it can be used for both class delegation and property delegation.

The main advantage of using delegation is that it reduces boilerplate code and increases flexibility, as the behavior of the delegating class is easily configurable and extendable.

In Kotlin, delegation is implemented using the by keyword.

2. Types of Delegation in Kotlin

There are two primary types of delegation in Kotlin:

  • Class Delegation: Delegation of an entire class implementation to another class.
  • Property Delegation: Delegation of property access and modification to another object.

Class Delegation

In class delegation, an object delegates all of its method calls to another object. The delegating class must implement the same interface that the delegate class implements.

Property Delegation

In property delegation, the access to a property is delegated to another object. The delegator can define how the property is accessed, stored, or modified.

3. Using by for Delegation

Kotlin uses the by keyword to simplify delegation. Let’s look at the syntax for both class delegation and property delegation.

Class Delegation Example

In class delegation, we use the by keyword to delegate the implementation of the interface methods to another class. Here’s an example where Worker class delegates the Task interface implementation to TaskExecutor class:

interface Task {
    fun doWork()

class TaskExecutor : Task {
    override fun doWork() {
        println("Executing task")

class Worker(task: Task) : Task by task

fun main() {
    val taskExecutor = TaskExecutor()
    val worker = Worker(taskExecutor)
    worker.doWork()  // Output: Executing task

Here, the Worker class delegates the doWork() method to the TaskExecutor class, so Worker doesn’t need to provide its own implementation of the doWork() method.

Property Delegation Example

For property delegation, Kotlin allows you to delegate the get and set operations of a property to another object. A common scenario is using the Lazy delegate for lazy initialization of properties.

class User {
    val name: String by lazy {
        println("Initializing name...")
        "John Doe"

fun main() {
    val user = User()
    println("Before accessing name")
    println(user.name)  // Output: Initializing name... John Doe

In this example, the name property is lazily initialized. The value is computed only when it is accessed for the first time, and the by lazy delegate takes care of the initialization.

4. Class Delegation

Class delegation allows you to delegate the responsibility of implementing an interface to another class. This avoids the need for inheritance, making your code more composable and flexible.

Example of Class Delegation

Let’s create an example where a User class delegates the implementation of Authenticate interface to another class:

interface Authenticate {
    fun authenticate(): Boolean

class AuthService : Authenticate {
    override fun authenticate(): Boolean {
        println("Authentication successful!")
        return true

class User(authService: Authenticate) : Authenticate by authService

fun main() {
    val authService = AuthService()
    val user = User(authService)
    println(user.authenticate())  // Output: Authentication successful!

Here, the User class doesn’t need to implement the authenticate() function itself. Instead, it delegates the responsibility to the AuthService class.

5. Property Delegation

Property delegation in Kotlin allows delegating property getters and setters to another object. This is particularly useful for patterns like lazy initialization, observable properties, or storing property values in a map.

Lazy Initialization

Kotlin’s lazy function is a delegate that helps you implement lazy initialization of a property:

val lazyValue: String by lazy {
    println("Calculating the value")
    "Lazy Value"

fun main() {
    println(lazyValue)  // Output: Calculating the value Lazy Value
    println(lazyValue)  // Output: Lazy Value

In this case, the value is computed only when it’s first accessed, and subsequent accesses return the cached value.

Observable Properties

Kotlin provides an observable delegate that allows you to observe changes to a property value:

import kotlin.properties.Delegates

class User {
    var age: Int by Delegates.observable(0) { _, old, new ->
        println("Age changed from $old to $new")

fun main() {
    val user = User()
    user.age = 25  // Output: Age changed from 0 to 25
    user.age = 30  // Output: Age changed from 25 to 30

Here, we use the observable delegate to print a message every time the age property is changed.

6. Best Practices for Kotlin Delegation

While delegation is a powerful feature, it should be used thoughtfully to avoid unnecessary complexity.

Best Practice 1: Prefer Delegation Over Inheritance

Instead of using inheritance, consider using delegation when you want to reuse functionality across different classes without tightly coupling them. Delegation promotes composition over inheritance.

Best Practice 2: Use Property Delegation for Common Patterns

Property delegation, such as lazy or observable, can be very helpful for common tasks like lazy initialization and property change tracking. Use these built-in delegates to simplify your code.

Best Practice 3: Avoid Overusing Delegation

While delegation is powerful, using it excessively can lead to code that’s difficult to understand. Don’t delegate everything—ensure that delegation adds value and reduces complexity.

Best Practice 4: Use Delegation in Data Classes

For simple data classes where you don’t need to manage properties manually, consider using delegation to add functionality like validation or caching without bloating the class with extra logic.


In this post, you’ve learned:
✅ How delegation works in Kotlin and its benefits.
✅ How to use by for both class delegation and property delegation.
✅ Practical examples of lazy initialization and observable properties.
✅ Best practices for using delegation effectively in Kotlin.

Delegation allows for cleaner, more maintainable, and flexible code in Kotlin, making it an essential tool in your Kotlin toolkit.

🎯 Next Post: Kotlin Sealed Classes – Restricted Class Hierarchies


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