Kotlin Classes and Objects – Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin


Kotlin is a fully object-oriented programming (OOP) language, and one of the main building blocks of OOP is classes and objects. In this post, we’ll explore how to define and use classes and objects in Kotlin.

You’ll learn:
How to Define Classes
Constructor and Initialization
Properties and Methods
Inheritance and Interfaces
Companion Objects
Best Practices for Working with Classes and Objects

By the end of this post, you’ll be comfortable using classes and objects to model real-world entities in Kotlin!

1. Defining a Class in Kotlin

In Kotlin, you define a class using the class keyword. A class can contain properties (variables) and methods (functions) that define the behavior of the objects created from it.


class ClassName {
    // Properties and Methods

Example: Defining a Simple Class

class Car {
    var brand: String = ""
    var model: String = ""
    var year: Int = 0
    fun drive() {
        println("The $brand $model is driving.")

val car = Car()  
car.brand = "Toyota"
car.model = "Corolla"
car.year = 2022

car.drive() // Output: The Toyota Corolla is driving.

2. Constructors in Kotlin

In Kotlin, you can define primary and secondary constructors for your classes. The primary constructor is declared directly in the class header, while secondary constructors are defined inside the class body.

Primary Constructor

The primary constructor is part of the class header and doesn’t require the init block unless you need to run some logic when an object is created.

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int)

Here, name is an immutable property (since it’s defined with val), and age is mutable (defined with var).

Example of Using Primary Constructor:

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int)

val person = Person("John", 25)
println(person.name) // Output: John
println(person.age)  // Output: 25

Secondary Constructor

You can add secondary constructors inside the class body if you need more initialization logic.

class Person {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    constructor(name: String, age: Int) {
        this.name = name
        this.age = age

val person = Person("Alice", 30)
println(person.name) // Output: Alice
println(person.age)  // Output: 30

3. Properties and Methods in Kotlin Classes

Classes in Kotlin can contain both properties (attributes of the class) and methods (functions that describe the behavior).


class Rectangle(val length: Double, val width: Double) {
    val area: Double
        get() = length * width

In this example, area is a calculated property with a custom getter. The value is calculated based on the length and width properties.


class Rectangle(val length: Double, val width: Double) {
    fun calculateArea(): Double {
        return length * width

Example: Using Properties and Methods Together

class Rectangle(val length: Double, val width: Double) {
    val area: Double
        get() = length * width
    fun printArea() {
        println("The area of the rectangle is $area.")

val rectangle = Rectangle(5.0, 3.0)
rectangle.printArea()  // Output: The area of the rectangle is 15.0.

4. Inheritance in Kotlin

Inheritance is a mechanism in OOP where one class (child) inherits the properties and methods of another class (parent). Kotlin supports inheritance, but by default, classes are final and cannot be inherited unless explicitly marked with the open keyword.

Making a Class Open for Inheritance:

open class Animal {
    open fun sound() {
        println("Animal makes a sound.")

class Dog : Animal() {
    override fun sound() {
        println("Dog barks.")

val dog = Dog()
dog.sound()  // Output: Dog barks.

Overriding Methods

To override methods in a child class, you need to use the override keyword.

5. Interfaces in Kotlin

Kotlin supports interfaces, which allow classes to implement multiple behaviors. An interface can have method declarations, but the methods can also have a default implementation.

Example of Interface:

interface Flyable {
    fun fly() {

class Bird : Flyable {
    override fun fly() {
        println("Bird is flying.")

val bird = Bird()
bird.fly()  // Output: Bird is flying.

A class can implement multiple interfaces in Kotlin, which provides flexibility for defining behaviors.

6. Companion Objects

Kotlin uses companion objects to provide a way of defining static methods and properties. These objects are tied to the class rather than instances of the class.

Syntax for Companion Object:

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        val CONSTANT = 42
        fun staticMethod() {
            println("This is a static method.")

MyClass.staticMethod()  // Output: This is a static method.
println(MyClass.CONSTANT)  // Output: 42

7. Best Practices for Classes and Objects

Here are some best practices for working with classes and objects in Kotlin:
Use data classes for simple POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) that only contain data. Data classes automatically provide toString(), equals(), and hashCode() methods.

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

Avoid using mutable properties unless necessary. Prefer immutable properties (val) where possible to promote immutability.
Use inheritance sparingly: Favor composition over inheritance for more flexible and maintainable designs.
Leverage interfaces for behavior sharing: Use interfaces to allow classes to share behavior without relying on inheritance.


In this post, you learned:
✅ How to define and use classes in Kotlin.
✅ The differences between primary and secondary constructors.
✅ How to work with properties and methods in classes.
✅ The basics of inheritance, interfaces, and companion objects in Kotlin.

🎯 Next Post: Kotlin Collections – Working with Lists, Sets, and Maps


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